Female Strong

Business Mentor Interest Form - YEA! Chicago

Business Mentor Interest Form - YEA! Chicago

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Female Strong's YEA! Chicago program as a Business Mentor. Please complete this questionnaire and review the downloads for more information. We will follow up by email after reviewing your submission.

Would you like to make a difference in a young entrepreneur's journey? Become a Business Mentor!

YEA! Chicago is searching for adult professionals to work one on one with Young Entrepreneurs Academy students. During weekly virtual mentor visits from late January - March 2025, mentors provide guidance and feedback as students think through all aspects of their business creation, write their business plans, and prepare their Investor Panel presentations. Mentors commit to 6 weekly class visits of 60 minutes each, with continued out-of-class support through email as well as several optional involvement opportunities.

Mentor Goals and Expected Outcomes:

- Assist students in thinking through all aspects of a business plan.

- Provide guidance and feedback as students conceptualize ideas.

- Keep students on track and help them meet deadlines.

- Review business plans and make edits, changes, and suggestions.

- Review PowerPoint presentations and make edits, changes, and suggestions.

- Compare PowerPoint presentations and business plans for consistency.

- Connect students with other business professionals.

Mentor Responsibilities:

- Mentors should advise students, ask them the right questions, and guide them through the process of developing a business plan and preparing Investor Presentation PowerPoints. 

- Mentors should set objectives and timelines for the students and should critique and edit their work.  Business Mentors are a very important part of the business plan writing process.